Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 3: Thao
Get ready to be inspired and gain a unique perspective as we bring you the incredible story of a Vietnamese Master’s student, Thao, thriving in Ireland. In our latest episode of “Amplifying Voices,” we had the privilege of sitting down with this remarkable individual to discuss her life as an international student. Her journey is one of courage, adaptation, and the pursuit of dreams across borders. Join us for an enlightening conversation as we amplify her voice, sharing her insights, challenges, and the beauty of cultural exchange. Her experiences are a testament to the power of education and the strength that comes from diversity. Stay tuned in now to hear her incredible journey. Her story reflects the dreams and aspirations of countless international students around the world. Let’s celebrate her achievements, support her dreams, and recognize the incredible value that global education brings. This project is supported by the Integration Protection Integration Fund.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 3: Thao
Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 2: Tulip
Prepare to be captivated by the incredible journey and inspiring story of a former Burmese broadcast journalist, Tulip who has found a new home in Ireland. In our latest episode of “Amplifying Voices,” we sit down with this remarkable individual to learn about their life, their experiences, and their transition to a new land. From reporting stories to becoming a part of one, their tale is one of courage, resilience, and hope. Join us in this heartwarming conversation as we amplify her voice and shine a light on their remarkable journey. Let’s celebrate their strength, determination, and the spirit that brings us all together as one global family. Her journey is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, and it’s a story that deserves to be shared far and wide. Let’s come together and ensure that the world hears this amazing voice.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 2: Tulip
Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 1: Samson
We are thrilled to share a powerful and heartwarming new episode of Series 2 of our “Amplifying Voices” podcasts. In this first episode, we explore the incredible journey of a Ukrainian refugee, Samson, now calling Ireland home.Join us in an inspiring conversation as we amplify their voice, share their story, and shine a light on the resilience and strength of this individual and the countless others who have been forced to leave their homes. In these trying times, it’s crucial that we come together, learn from each other, and lend our support to those in need. Let’s show the world the true spirit of humanity, kindness, and empathy. Stay tuned to their story and help us spread awareness by sharing this episode far and wide. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that these remarkable voices are heard.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices 2023 – Episode 1: Samson
Amplifying Voices – Episode 7: Analysis of the law on Family Reunification and proposed changes to Direct Provision
For our final episode in our Amplifying Voices series, the Public and Regulatory team of international law firm, Fieldfisher, discuss legal challenges that refugees face regarding family reunification and accessing proper accommodation in Ireland.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 7: Analysis of the law on Family Reunification and proposed changes to Direct Provisio’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 6: Looking for Life.
Rasha joins us on our latest podcast in our Amplifying Voices series. Rasha beautifully gives a very heartfelt account of the circumstances which forced her to leave Syria. She shares this journey with her family and accounts how the family unit provided support and assurance along the way. Finally, she details how her hard work and diligence has allowed her to continue her education now in Ireland.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 6: Looking for Life.’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 5: Not all Roads lead to Rome.
Our newest podcast in the Amplifying Voices series tells the story of Okaila. Okaila speaks about her life as a child growing up in Palestine and the obstacles facing stateless people in regards to accessing education, securing employment and having a secure family life. Her passion and determination to succeed inspire her words throughout the podcast.
The podcast can be found here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 5: Not all Roads lead to Rome.’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 4: The Importance of Helping.
Our guest for podcast number four in our Amplifying Voices series is Hicham. Hicham was forced to leave Syria during the ongoing conflict. When he left, he felt compelled to support the people who remained in his home country by sending supplies and organising for the building of houses. He shares with us the skills he learned along the way, his current efforts and the lesson of how doing something helped to relieve his feelings of helplessness.
You can listen to Hicham’s story here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 4: The Importance of Helping.’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 3: The Forgotten Vulnerable
Daniella is next up to share her story on our Amplifying Voices podcast series. Daniella shares her unique challenges associated with raising a child with autism under the circumstances of fleeing Syria due to the ongoing conflict. Her story contains a message of inspiration for all parents.
You can listen here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 3: The Forgotten Vulnerable’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 2: We are not just asylum seekers, we are more than that..
Our second podcast in our Amplifying Voices podcast series tells the story of Flo. Flo shares with us the challenges of seeking asylum in a new country without knowledge of the language, its culture and without a strong support network. She also shares about how she overcame some of these challenges and the people along the way who supported her. It is wonderful also to hear about her hopes for the future.
You can listen to our conversation here:
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 2: We are not just asylum seekers, we are more than that..’ on Youtube:
Amplifying Voices – Episode 1: Scars are Great Flashbacks.
We are very excited to introduce our new Amplifying Voices podcast series. For this series, we worked with a group of six asylum seekers and refugees who wish to share their perspectives on the journeys that have brought them to Ireland. Before taking part in the podcasts, the participants attended a series of four workshops which involved an introduction to storytelling and learning basic podcasting skills of recording and editing.
In our first podcast, we hear the story of Jennifer. Jennifer shares her educational dreams as well as the challenges associated with achieving her goals as an asylum seeker. It is a story of resilience, determination and hope.
A huge thank you to Fieldfisher for supporting this project.
Watch the ‘Amplifying Voices – Episode 1: Scars are Great Flashbacks’ on Youtube:
Systems (Virtual Podcast) W/Guest Educator Francois Matarasso (Thinking about culture as if people matter)
This podcast primarily focused on François Matarasso’s practice and research behind community art. The conversation featured perspectives on participatory art, marginalisation in education/society, socio-economic issues in western society and the key role art educators play. Additionally, a discussion surrounding Matarasso’s book ‘A Restless Art’ and it’s connection to the training course ‘Systems’ took place .
Matarasso’s practice focuses on writing, research and work in community art. His process rests on the belief that everyone has the right to create art and to share the result, as well as to enjoy and participate in the creations of others.
“Shaping your own cultural identity – and having it recognised by others – is central to human dignity and growth. If people can’t represent themselves culturally how can they do so in any other way, including politically? If people are only imagined and portrayed by others, how can they be full, free and equal members of society?”
Empowerment and Emancipation: Education through a Critical Lens
On Monday, June 29th 2020 Saolta hosted an online workshop taking a critical look at education from the perspective of Empowerment and Emancipation with regard to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Emeritus Professor, and previous director of AONTAS, Tom Inglis was the guest speaker for the evening and delivered an eye-opening and insightful talk on the nature of power in society and education and the relationship between empowerment and emancipation.
This workshop was hosted as part of a new national Development Education programme called Saolta funded by Irish Aid.
Watch the ‘Empowerment and Emancipation: Education through a Critical Lens’ webinar on Youtube:
Changing The Narrative About Refugees
“Many of the terms used regarding refugees in the media create fear. This is where we need to re-examine and use the real terms to represent the reality of refugees”
Razan Ibraheem
On June 18th 2020 Development Perspectives invited Dr. Julie Norman, Teaching Fellow in Politics and International Relations at University College London and a regular contributor to BBC, Al Jazeera and others and Irish-Syrian journalist and activist Razan Ibraheem, to discuss the global perspective on refugee integration, some of the startling figures on displaced people and the importance of giving a clear and accurate representation of refugees and asylum seekers in the media.
This workshop was hosted as part of a new national Development Education programme called Saolta funded by Irish Aid and as part of a pan European programme called STIRE funded by the EU’s Asylum, Migration and Immigration Fund.
Watch the ‘Changing The Narrative About Refugees’ webinar on Youtube:
Fake Vs Fact – Tools for Tackling Misinformation
The coronavirus pandemic has brought a surge in so-called “fake news” and “conspiracy theories”. This webinar, hosted by Carmine Rodi Falanga, covered some of the latest stories, discussing how knowledge and the practice of old and new storytelling techniques can be effective tools against the spread of such narratives along with teaching valuable skills for navigating the media and information landscapes.
This podcast was developed as part of Saolta. Saolta is a Development Education strategic partnership programme for the Adult and Community Education sector in Ireland. Development Perspectives is the lead partner in the consortium, which also includes AONTAS, Concern Worldwide, Irish Rural Link and the Adult and Community Education Dept of Maynooth University.
Watch the ‘Fake Vs Fact: Tool for Misinformation’ webinar on Youtube:

This project was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The content of this communication represents the views of the author only and do not necessarily represent or reflect DFAT policy.