‘Hear the World Differently’ is a series of podcasts made from webinars and workshops that will cover topics such as misinformation, immigration and education.
DP TV (Development Perspectives Television) documentaries explore issues affecting our communities from a local and global perspective. Find us on Youtube.
See the World Differently: Gain a deeper understanding of Development Perspectives’ work by watching this engaging animated video.
Drogheda Vacancy and Dereliction – the current reality: Drogheda is still suffering from the blight of dereliction. This video explores the number of derelict buildings in our city and whether or not they are valued (financially). The numbers involved might be a shock but it doesn’t have to be like this. Political choices and responsible actions can turn the tide.
SDG Advocate Training 2024 – Exploring the Environmental Pillar of the SDGs through Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in Bru Moytura Eco-Lodge, Sligo.
The Bridges project took place in 2023 and was designed to build capacity in Louth and Meath to use the rivers Boyne and Nanny as educational spaces to foster integration and inclusion. The Bridges projects included Kayaking skills training, swimming lessons, river clean-ups and more. The idea behind these events is to give migrants the opportunity to build social connections in their community and learn new skills..
Global Citizenship Education in the context of Adult and Community Education understands the need for informed action in order to change the world.
Systems Thinking is a key pillar of Global Citizenship Education. Systems Thinking in the context of Adult and Community Education asks us to shift our thinking from looking at issues in isolation to looking at the connections between them.
Problem solving in the context of Adult and Community Education needs to discuss and act on challenges that are relevant for the communities concerned and ensure they are directly involved. Problem solving needs to be inclusive, collaborative and engaging.
This video explores critical thinking in the context of Adult and Community Education and is one of the four key pillars of Global Citizenship Education. At the core of critical thinking is the encouragement to ask the question – Why?
In this video Development Perspectives CEO Bobby McCormack begins to explain what Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is in the context of #Saolta’s work within the Adult and Community Education sector. This video is the first in a series of videos that will break down the meaning of GCE and highlight its importance.
The video offers an overview of the 2022 training, what was involved and what action projects that Advocates have developed as a result. The SDG Advocate Training offers active citizens an opportunity to become one of Ireland’s SDG Advocates through this innovative project. This training course will allow the advocates to deepen their understanding of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, represent the project and lead transformative change in Ireland.
A small selection of the Action Projects undertaken by Advocates from the 2022 Training.
A documentary following the journey of two committed activists touring around Ireland on cargo bikes to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals. The documentary tracks Development Perspectives chief executive Bobby McCormack and Saolta Programme Manager Nick Doran, as they undertake the SDG Roadshow. On May 23rd 2022 Bobby and Nick set off separately from Limerick and Waterford to engage with universities, adult education services, community groups and local elected representatives as they trekked to Killarney, Co. Kerry. The SDG Roadshow has been developed as part of Saolta, a Global Citizenship Education strategic partnership programme for the Adult and Community Education sector in Ireland and has been supported by Irish Aid, 2030 and EirGrid.
The video offers an overview of the SDG Advocate Training 2021 training, what was involved and what action projects that Advocates have developed as a result. The SDG Advocate Training offers active citizens an opportunity to become one of Ireland’s SDG Advocates through this innovative project. This training course will allow the advocates to deepen their understanding of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, represent the project and lead transformative change in Ireland.
Drogheda educational NGO Development Perspectives, representing the strategic consortium Saolta, undertook a cross country bike tour in Summer 2021 to raise awareness in Ireland of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of global commitments to end poverty, protect the planet and promote peace, justice and equality by 2030. Ireland played a unique and central role in the process which led to the agreement of these 17 goals which were signed up to by 193 UN member states and Development Perspectives believes that in order for these goals to be successful the public need to be aware of and crucially involved and active in realising them.
Two team members, CEO Bobby McCormack and Project Officer Nick Doran, set off from opposite sides of the country and visited towns and communities along the way while highlighting the importance and relevance of the Global Goals to localities around Ireland. Over the 5 days, they travelled on two bikes over 800km, visited 11 counties, hosted 8 workshops and held 8 meetings with stakeholders and organisations.
5 days, 2 bikes, 800km, 11 counties, 8 workshops, and 8 meetings. A trailer for our documentary on the SDG Road Show 2021.
This podcast primarily focused on François Matarasso’s practice and research behind community art. The conversation featured perspectives on participatory art, marginalisation in education/society, socio-economic issues in western society and the key role art educators play. Additionally, a discussion surrounding Matarasso’s book ‘A Restless Art’ and it’s connection to the training course ‘Systems’ took place.
Matarasso’s practice focuses on writing, research and work in community art. His process rests on the belief that everyone has the right to create art and to share the result, as well as to enjoy and participate in the creations of others.
“Shaping your own cultural identity – and having it recognised by others – is central to human dignity and growth. If people can’t represent themselves culturally how can they do so in any other way, including politically? If people are only imagined and portrayed by others, how can they be full, free and equal members of society?”
The Sustainable Development Goals can’t succeed without you. Find out how Saolta can support you to become a powerful voice for change.
For more info go to: Saolta
Games 4 The Goals is a training course aimed at youth workers, trainers, educators and mentors who wish to explore the Sustainable Development Goals through gamification.
Games 4 The Goals (G4TG) is an eight-day training course which aims to develop Global Education competences of youth workers and educators through game-based learning, with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The idea for this project results from the growing need within development education and youth work organisations to find new and interactive ways to engage with young people on global issues such as poverty, inequality and climate change. Our hope is to harness the power of games to develop media literacy and critical thinking skills, examine values within society and encourage young people to take informed action related to the SDGs.
‘Spirit’ explores the work of The Medical Missionaries of Mary at home and overseas. The Sisters have provided a powerful insight into the legacy of their work, through interviews with the filmmakers. The short documentary includes contributions from LMFM presenter Gerry Kelly, former Trócaire CEO Justin Kilcullen and Dr. Conor Mulvagh, UCD.
Development Perspectives is a non-profit NGO based in Drogheda.
Find out more about the making of this documentary at The making of ‘Spirit’
The SDGchallenge is an exciting new global citizenship education project which aims to raise awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The #SDGchallenge is a 17 month long project. It will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of each of the Global Goals. But we want you to do more than to learn about them, we want you to be part of them – Join our growing community of active citizens and take the challenge!
Sign up today and begin your SDG journey.
Find out more at: www.developmentperspectives.ie/SDGChallenge
A group of Irish and Tanzanians take part in ‘Insight’, a development education programme from Drogheda-based NGO Development Perspectives, in partnership with Uvikiuta in Tanzania. This documentary follows their learning journey over 8 months in 2015. ‘Insight’ was produced by Development Perspectives, directed by Bobby McCormack, shot and edited by Blaine Rennicks with original music composed by Darius McGann.
Salmon of Knowledge looks at the plight of salmon and of salmon fishing on the river Boyne, Ireland. Development Perspectives is an non-profit NGO based in Drogheda. Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/DevelopmentPerspectives Video directed and co-produced by Bobby McCormack. Shot and edited by Blaine Rennicks. Visual Artist – Vivienne Byrne.
In the midst of GM potato trials in Carlow, ‘Food For Thought’ looks at the GM debate from both a local and global context and asks if it can be a tool for positive development. Development Perspectives is a non-profit NGO based in Drogheda. Join the discussion at www.facebook.com/DevelopmentPerspectives Video directed and co-produced by Deirdre Hurley. Shot and edited by Blaine Rennicks. Co-Produced by Bobby McCormack. Visual Artist – Vivienne Byrne.

This project was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The content of this communication represents the views of the author only and do not necessarily represent or reflect DFAT policy.