Erasmus+ is an EU fund supporting education, training, youth and sport in the EU. In recent years, DP have been involved in many projects funded under the EU’s Erasmus + fund. This involvement has included lead partnership roles in Youth Worker Mobility projects and roles as a project partner in long-term Strategic Partnerships. DP has also received support from Erasmus+ funding strand connected to Adult and Community Education. The projects DP are involved in all examine Global Citizenship Education in a variety of ways such as through storytelling, through sport and through best practice exchanges.
Youth Worker Mobilities
Since 2015, DP has led many Mobility of Youth Worker projects under the Youth Worker Strand of Erasmus+. A mobility of youth worker project is an activity focussed on the professional development of youth workers and the wider organisational capacity of partner organisations involved in the project. Under this funding mechanism, DP typically organise training courses lasting 6-8 days in duration for youth workers from various EU countries that focus on building educational competences related to Global Citizenship Education and the Sustainable Development Goals using a unique tool or method for engagement (e.g. sport, storytelling, games-based learning etc.).

Accreditation in the field of Adult Education
DP has recently received Erasmus+ Accreditation in Adult Education. This accreditation was awarded by Leargas, the Irish national agency responsible for the management of youth worker and adult education programmes funded under Erasmus+.
Receiving accreditation allows for a more streamlined access to funding in order to carry out activities from the suite of options available within the Erasmus+ programme. This will allow DP to offer more opportunities for staff and alumni of programmes to take part in capacity building activities across the EU with organisations that DP share links and commonalities with. These activities include participation on training courses, job shadowing opportunities and group learning mobilities for DP alumni.
Partnership Projects
We are involved in a number of long-term partnership projects funded through Erasmus+. These projects include strategic partnerships that aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level and European Youth Together projects that are aimed creating networks that regional partnerships, to be run in close cooperation with young people from across Europe.
To learn more about what we do feel free to contact us.